what have researchers found to be the most common biological cause of paraphilias?

  • Journal List
  • CNS Neurosci Ther
  • v.24(eleven); 2018 Nov
  • PMC6489983

CNS Neurosci Ther. 2018 Nov; 24(11): 994–1003.

Encephalon structure alterations in depression: Psychoradiological evidence

Fei‐Fei Zhang

1 Huaxi MR Research Center (HMRRC), Department of Radiology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Red china,

Wei Peng

1 Huaxi MR Research Center (HMRRC), Department of Radiology, West Cathay Hospital of Sichuan Academy, Chengdu, Prc,

John A. Sweeney

i Huaxi MR Inquiry Center (HMRRC), Department of Radiology, Due west China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, People's republic of china,

2 Section of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA,

Zhi‐Yun Jia

ane Huaxi MR Research Center (HMRRC), Department of Radiology, Westward China Hospital of Sichuan Academy, Chengdu, China,

3 Section of Nuclear Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Mainland china,

Qi‐Yong Gong

1 Huaxi MR Inquiry Centre (HMRRC), Department of Radiology, W Communist china Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China,

iv Department of Psychology, Schoolhouse of Public Administration, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China,

Received 2017 Nov xxx; Revised 2018 February 7; Accustomed 2018 Feb 8.


Depression is the leading cause of disability around the earth, but little is known about its pathology. Currently, the diagnosis of depression is made based on clinical manifestations, with little objective evidence. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to investigate the pathological changes in brain anatomy associated with this disorder. MRI can place structural alterations in depressive patients in vivo, which could make considerable contributions to clinical diagnosis and treatment. Numerous studies that focused on gray and white matter have found pregnant brain region alterations in major depressive disorder patients, such as in the frontal lobe, hippocampus, temporal lobe, thalamus, striatum, and amygdala. The results are inconsistent and controversial considering of the different demographic and clinical characteristics. However, some regions overlapped; thus, we think that there may exist a "hub" in MDD and that an impairment in these regions contributes to disease severity. Encephalon connections contain both structural connections and functional connections, which reflect affliction from a different view and support that MDD may be caused by the interaction of multiple brain regions. According to previous reports, significant circuits include the frontal‐subcortical excursion, the suicide circuit, and the reward circuit. As has been recognized, the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder is complex and changeable. The electric current review focuses on the pregnant alterations in the grey and white thing of patients with the depressive disorder to generate a ameliorate understanding of the circuits. Moreover, identifying the nuances of depressive disorder and finding a biomarker will make a significant contribution to the guidance of clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: Psychoradiology, diffusion MRI; magnetic resonance imaging; major depressive disorder; structure MRI


Major depressive disorder (MDD) is characterized by persistent low mood, often accompanied by cognitive dysfunction, physical symptoms, and impaired social function.1 According to the Earth Wellness Arrangement'southward statistics, more than 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. More severely, low can cause suicide, and almost 800 000 people die every twenty-four hours due to suicide. According to statistics from 2015,ii suicide is the second leading crusade of death amongst people xv‐29 years of age, resulting in vast economic and social burdens. Based on epidemiological studies, more than 30% of patients with depression endure from ineffective antidepressant treatments, and their lifetime prevalence rate is approximately xvi.2%.3 Currently, the diagnosis of MDD relies on patients' reporting and behavioral assessments. Little is known about its precise neurobiological biomarkers. Neuroimaging studies have the advantage of beingness noninvasive and repeatable and might provide precise bear witness to clinics for more successful individualized therapies.

In recent years, neuroimaging methods, especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), have been used in many studies to identify disorder‐related patterns of the brain changes associated with MDD. The MRI scan sequences that are commonly used past researchers include high‐resolution structural imaging (3D‐T1), which depicts gray affair thickness in volume and encephalon morphology; diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which depicts the microstructure of the white matter; and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which depicts the neuronal activity in target brain regions. Previous studies based on MRI institute that several brain regions are significantly dumb in MDD patients. Several regional gray thing changes have been identified in the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, thalamus, caudate, pallidum, putamen, and temporal lobes (eg, the hippocampus and amygdala)iv, 5, vi past anatomical MRI studies. DTI studies accept shown white affair alterations, such as decreased partial anisotropy (FA) in the cingulum,7 hippocampus, parietal regions,eight inferior temporal gyrus, and superior frontal gyrus. These findings were confirmed by a recent meta‐assay.9 In addition, abnormal brain activity was establish in the prefrontal cortex,ten occipital lobe,11 temporal gray, caudate,12 and putamen.13 Different encephalon regions have connections with each other and ultimately form complex brain networks. A hub is a region that is highly continued and highly central that plays a office in global data integration14 (Figurei). The impairment of hub nodes or their connections may be a leading cause of disease, such as MDD. Structural connections between cortical and subcortical areas compose several circuits, such as the frontal‐subcortical circuit,15 basal ganglic‐thalamic‐cortical excursion,16 prefrontal hippocampus circuit,17 the limbic‐cortical‐striatal‐thalamic‐cortical circuit,18 and the limbic‐cortical‐striatal‐pallidal‐thalamic19 circuit. The virtually common functional connection in MDD patients is the cortical‐subcortical excursion.xx According to previous findings, the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, thalamus, putamen, and hippocampus are considered hubs in these circuits.14, 21, 22

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Structural network hubs of the homo encephalon. Structural brain hubs were identified by diffusion tensor imaging, and the nodes normalized to an intramodular degree higher than one were defined as hubs.14, 21 ACG, inductive cingulate and paracingulate gyri; CAL, calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex; HIP, hippocampus; INS, insula; L, left; MOG, middle occipital gyrus; MTG, eye temporal gyrus; PCUN, precuneus; PUT, putamen; R, right; SOG, superior occipital gyrus; SPG, superior parietal gyrus; SFGdor, dorsolateral part of the superior frontal gyrus; SFGmed, medial role of the superior frontal gyrus; THA, thalamus

In the nowadays review, significant structural changes in brain regions and circuits involved in MDD are reviewed, and time to come inquiry directions in this field are outlined. This commodity focuses on the imaging findings of MDD to explore the findings of neuroimaging, which is helpful for differential diagnosis and accurate medicine.


2.1. Frontal lobe

According to previous reports, the change in the volume of frontal regions has been considered to exist the most common region to manifest anatomic abnormalities in MDD. Important prefrontal lesions include those of Brodmann area 24 (a office of the inductive cingulate cortex), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), middle prefrontal cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and other areas of the prefrontal cortex.8, 23, 24, 25, 26 The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) has an anatomical connexion with dorsal neocortical and ventral paralimbic regions and plays a role in cognitive processes and mood regulation.27 The right anterior cingulate cortex was reported to have a decreased magnetization transfer ratio in patients with treatment‐refractory MDD relative to salubrious controls,28 which increased subsequently electroconvulsive therapy.29 Previous studies have also plant that prefrontal areas undergo a meaning reduction in thickness,4, 30, 31, 32 and these changes are thought to be associated with poor clinical outcomes.33 A negative correlation was observed between the Montgomery‐Asberg Low Rating Scale score and cortical thickness in the ACC.34 Information technology has been indicated that the thicker right caudal ACC is associated with greater symptom comeback across follow‐ups. According to an fMRI study, the ACC has increased functional correlations with the DLPFC and the amygdala35 in MDD patients, suggesting that the ACC is more similar to a bridge between the DLPFC and the amygdala and plays a critical function in attending and emotion. The OFC is involved in inhibiting background‐contained, redundant, or uncomfortable neural activity, feelings, and behaviors and as well plays a crucial part in emotional/motivational management and decision making.36 It has been reported that the thickness of the correct medial orbital cortex in MDD patients is thinner than that in healthy controls,37 and during treatment, increased cortical thickness was establish in the OFC in MDD patients. Functional MRI results constitute reduced encephalon activeness in the bilateral OFC.38 Structural and functional changes in the OFC may contribute to the reduced inhibition of negative stimuli in depressive patients. The volume of grayness matter in the left center frontal gyrus was institute to be decreased in untreated depressive patients2 and to increase after drug treatment.39 These changes are associated with emotional bias, aloofness, and loss of motivation.v The fibers in the medial frontal cortex are function of the default‐fashion network40 and play an essential role in the execution of long‐term mental plans from immediate environmental or internal demands.41 A report institute a reduction in both the heart frontal cortex and the connection of the corpus callosum in treatment‐refractory MDD.42 Fibers extending through the bilateral medial frontal lobe to the anterior corpus callosum and passing fibers connecting the medial frontal lobe to the amygdala via the uncinate fasciculus during stimulation of the "best" contacts have been deemed to exist the switch in MDD.43 The DLPFC plays an essential role in emotional, motivational, attentional, and executive functions.44 Grayness matter volume reductions have as well been plant in the DLPFC in MDD patients compared to healthy controls.two Brain activeness in the DLPFC was likewise establish to be decreased13 and could be increased to the boilerplate level later antidepressant treatment.ii Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the left DLPFC induces morphological increases in the left ACC and the middle frontal OFC,45 indicating that the DLPFC has connections with the ACC and the OFC.

two.2. Thalamus

The thalamus is considered a complicated sensory information node that controls emotion, memory, and arousal.46 Dysfunction and structural disruptions in the thalamus tin pb to an amnestic syndrome due to impairments in recall and recognition.47 The thalamus is structured as several anatomical parts. The subthalamic nuclei have fibers from the pallidum and motor cortex and send out fibers to the substantia nigra. The lateral dorsal thalamic nucleus sends out fibers to the parietal lobe, and the ventral lateral thalamic nucleus has connections with the cerebellum and the brainstem. Pregnant volume reductions and changes in shape have been observed in the left thalamus48 of patients with MDD. Based on a shape assay of the vertex, the dorsal attribute of the left thalamus was constitute to be negatively correlated with the severity of low (Hamilton Low Rating Scale).48 A probabilistic tractography study reported that the areas with shape deformities in the bilateral putamen and left thalamus had connections with the frontal and temporal lobes.48 The gray matter book of the correct thalamus was also found to be reduced in MDD patients,42, 49 and this finding was confirmed by a recent meta‐analysis.50 As some studies take shown, drugs and astute attacks can bear upon the book of the thalamus, which may propose a state‐dependent mode of low.5 Equally the anterior thalamic nuclei class a key region involved in emotional regulation,48, 51 the decreased FA in these regions in MDD might contribute to emotional deregulation and could exist a target for diagnostic assessments and therapies.52, 53

2.3. Striatum

The striatum is an of import part of basal ganglia.54 A big number of neuroimaging studies take reported significant changes in the striatum of MDD patients. Decreased gray matter intensity in the ventral striatum55 was also reported in MDD patients who committed suicide. Disruptions in striatal output may atomic number 82 to impulsive and suicidal beliefs.56 Functional magnetic resonance imaging has shown that striatal activity was reduced in reward organisation defects,57 and decreased reward network connections were establish to be associated with depression severity.58 These findings advise that abnormal striatal activeness plays an essential role in disease progression. The striatum contains the putamen, the caudate, and the ventral striatum.47 The results of previous studies accept shown that compared with a control group, the book of the bilateral putamen decreased significantly in MDD patients.48 In addition, structural alterations in the putamen may be related to the result of drugs59 and the age of onset in MDD. According to previous results, the putamen plays a central role in mood, cognitive processes, motivation, and regulation of motility.60 The putamen is a component of the hate circuit61 and has connections with the OFC and the ACC.62 Increased functional activity in the putamen has been reported,xiii which may atomic number 82 to a weakening of the ability to control emotions and a low threshold of provoking feelings of hatred toward oneself or others. The caudate nucleus is a critical component of the reward organization in the brain and is often associated with the treatment of reward stimuli.63 It has been reported that the volume of the caudate is reduced in MDD patients64 and that it has a negative correlation with illness severity. Reduced activity was besides reported in the caudate57 in patients with MDD. Dysfunction of the caudate nucleus may pb to a disruption in dopaminergic signaling, as this region receives inputs from the ventral tegmental dopaminergic neurons.65 Therefore, the decrease in the gray affair density in the correct caudate nucleus66 of MDD patients can explain the cadre features of depression or even the lack of responsiveness to positive stimuli or advantage constituents in patients with MDD.

ii.4. Parietal lobe

The parietal lobe is involved in the organization, decision making, and predictions of rewards during conditioning that evaluates outcomes for future response choices that are uncertain.67 This region is also related to emotional processing and cerebral changes and is role of the default‐mode network. Increased cortical thickness has been noted in the left inferior parietal gyrus68 in MDD patients compared to healthy controls, and morphometric correlation analysis found a positive caudate‐cortical connection in the bilateral superior parietal lobe.68 The superior parietal lobe is role of the default‐mode network. The default‐mode network has a functional connexion with the caudate via dopaminergic projections. Striatal dopaminergic circuits may regulate noesis and emotion past modulating the DMN in MDD.68 Recently, our grouping observed a lower magnetization transfer ratio in the left superior parietal lobule in MDD patients than that in healthy controls and increased grayness matter volume in the right postcentral gyrus in MDD patients compared to good for you controls.69 Increased thickness and correlations may betoken compensatory mechanisms associated with inflammation or other aspects of the pathophysiology of depression. The regional homogeneity value was found to exist increased in the right inferior parietal lobule70 and in the right frontoparietal region11 in depressive patients. The calculation of the regional homogeneity value depends on the regional cerebral claret menses. A task positron emission tomography report found that the blood catamenia in the parietal lobe would increase along with data complexity and subtract when the subjects adopted the information.71 This finding indicated that an increased regional homogeneity value of the parietal lobe may lead to impairments in data reception and in learning.

2.v. Hippocampus

The hippocampus is associated with memory recall and the rules of reward.72 Previous studies have shown that the hippocampus is smaller in depressed patients than in salubrious controls,73 and this finding has been confirmed by meta‐analyses.74, 75 In that location is evidence that stress via the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis can result in elevated glucocorticoid levels in patients with MDD and tin act on the glucocorticoid receptors in the hippocampus.76 Thus, hippocampal atrophy occurs as a outcome.77 Antidepressant handling enquiry78 and a longitudinal study of electroconvulsive therapy found an increased greyness affair volume in the hippocampus in MDD patients afterwards treatment,29, 79 suggesting that the increased hippocampal volume was associated with clinical improvement. A study reported that people with depression who are over forty years of age, or those with astringent or multiple episodes, were more probable to have a modest hippocampus.fourscore Additionally, other studies have plant that a small hippocampus may exist associated with illness elapsing in MDD.81 Co-ordinate to an fMRI study, decreased brain activity in the hippocampus was reported82 in depressive patients. Reduced gray matter volume and reduced functional activeness in the hippocampus would lead to negative emotion and the inability of cognitive processing in depressive patients.


3.1. Prefrontal‐subcortical excursion

The striatum, thalamus, and prefrontal cortex constitute the prefrontal‐subcortical circuit,47 which is involved in emotional and cognitive processing and is considered to exist a potential pathophysiological target in MDD.83 The structural connectivity of the prefrontal‐subcortical circuit begins at the prefrontal cortex. The striatum receives data from the PFC and outputs the data to the globus pallidus and the substantial nigra. All data is then projected through the thalamus to the prefrontal cortex. The thalamus is the final neuronal link back to the cortex, making the circuit a airtight loop. This review mainly introduces 3 prefrontal circuits (Effigy2), which were originally described past Alexander.84 In each excursion, two pathways have mainly been reported (Figure3): i direct pathway goes from the striatum to the pallidum, and the other pathway projects from the striatum to the pallidum, then to the subthalamic nucleus, and back to the pallidum.85 Bones research has constitute that gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate participate in these two pathways.83 Directly, the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus arm-twist excitement and project to the striatum. The striatum transmits information through GABAergic neurons that project to the globus pallidus. Indirectly, the subthalamic nucleus receives data from the cortex and the globus pallidus via GABAergic neurons and then outputs through glutamatergic neurons to the globus pallidus. Both the direct and indirect pathways enter the thalamus through gamma fibers, but impairments in these two pathways could lead to differential pathology. Harm to the direct pathway results in abnormal suppression of the thalamus. In dissimilarity, dysfunction in the indirect pathway leads to disinhibition and thalamic hyperactivity.47

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Prefrontal excursion. The striatum, thalamus, and prefrontal cortex constitute the prefrontal‐ subcortical excursion (A). The dorsolateral prefrontal circuit (B) originates in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which projects to the dorsolateral caudate. And so, fibers track through the directly or indirect pathway to the lateral dorsomedial globus pallidus and the substantia nigra. The globus pallidus and the substantia nigra then projection to the ventral anterior and medial dorsal thalamus.86 The thalamus collects all the information and sends it back to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; the orbitofrontal prefrontal circuit (C) originates in the inferolateral prefrontal cortex. The OFC fibers project to the ventromedial caudate. Then, the caudate outputs fibers through the direct and indirect pathways to the medial dorsomedial globus pallidus and the substantia nigra. The pallidum and the substantia nigra take connections with the ventral anterior and medial dorsal thalamic nuclei. All information volition ultimately return to the orbitofrontal cortex; the anterior cingulate‐prefrontal excursion (D) begins in the ACC, and the fibers project to the ventral striatum and the substantia nigra. The striatum outputs to the medial dorsal thalamus. Finally, the thalamus sends all the information dorsum to the ACC. ACC, inductive cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; GPs, globus pallidus; mid, center; OFC, orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex; SN, substantia nigra; THA, thalamus

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Two pathways from the caudate to the thalamus. The prefrontal‐subcortical excursion originates from the prefrontal cortex and outputs fibers projecting to the striatum. Directly, the striatum transmits information through GABAergic neurons and projects to the globus pallidus. Indirectly, the striatum projects to the globus pallidus. The subthalamic nucleus receives information from the cortex via glutamatergic neurons and from the globus pallidus via GABAergic neurons, which then output through glutamatergic neurons to the globus pallidus. All information ultimately returns to the prefrontal cortex. ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; GABA, gamma‐aminobutyric acid; Glu, glutamatergic; GPs, globus pallidum; OFC, orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex; SN, substantia nigra; THA, thalamus

3.one.1. The dorsolateral prefrontal circuit

The dorsolateral prefrontal circuit originates from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (BA seed based 9 and BA ten) and connects to the dorsolateral caudate. The caudate outputs to the lateral dorsomedial globus pallidus and the substantia nigra through the directly or indirect pathway. The pallidum and substantia nigra have connections with the ventral anterior and medial dorsal thalamus.86 Finally, all messages are returned through the thalamus to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. A functional connectivity analysis reported coactivity in the bilateral DLPFC and the dorsal caudate.54 The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the caudate nucleus are unable to preserve recognition. According to a previous fMRI report, decreased activity in the caudate and increased activity in Brodmann area 10 were reported during reward apprehension57 in patients with MDD. These findings suggested that patients with depression have the intention of inducing pleasurable emotions. Thus, MDD patients with impaired dorsolateral prefrontal circuits may showroom executive dysfunction.47

three.1.2. The orbitofrontal prefrontal circuit

The orbitofrontal prefrontal circuit starts at the inferolateral prefrontal cortex (BA ten and BA xi).87 The OFC sends fibers to the ventromedial caudate. Then, the caudate outputs through the direct and indirect pathways to the medial dorsomedial globus pallidus and the substantia nigra. The medial dorsal thalamic nucleus receives input from the pallidum and the substantia nigra and outputs to the OFC. All the data will ultimately exist sent to the orbitofrontal cortex. Functional seed‐based studies of the OFC found coactivity with these limbic regions.88 Heavy connections of the orbitofrontal gyrus with other cortical and subcortical regions, such as the parahippocampal gyrus, the ACC, and the posterior cingulate cortex,89 take been reported. A functional MRI study showed that a decrease in the OFC circuit connections was associated with unexpected reward receipt tasks90 and pleasant stimuli91 in MDD patients. The causal relationship betwixt the OFC and the ACC is positively correlated with the severity of low.twenty In conclusion, the orbitofrontal circuit may be negatively related to the severity of depression and the source of negative thinking.92

3.ane.3. The anterior cingulate‐prefrontal circuit

The inductive cingulate‐prefrontal circuit begins in the anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24). The ACC outputs messages to the ventral striatum and the substantia nigra. The striatum and the substantia nigra project to the medial dorsal thalamus.86 Finally, all the information is sent back to the inductive cingulate grey via the thalamus. It is not clear whether there is a direct or indirect connection between the ACC and the striatum. Yet, there is prove that the connections betwixt the ventral striatum and thalamic neurons are nowadays.93 The nucleus accumbens is a part of the ventral striatum, which receives excitatory inputs from the ACC and outputs to the thalamus, and has been linked with anhedonia. The relationship between the nucleus accumbens and the thalamus is negatively correlated with the severity of low94 and is related to emotional regulation and motivational function.95 Functional connectivity studies revealed the coordination between the ventral striatum, the bilateral middle temporal lobe (amygdala and hippocampus), and the ventral midbrain (substantia nigra).54 According to previous findings, the ACC plays an important role in anhedonic symptoms in patients with MDD.90 Therefore, impairment to the inductive cingulate circuitry may exist negatively correlated with the severity of depressive symptoms.

Different circuits besides take correlations. As mentioned earlier, the functional connectivity of the ACC and the DLPFC is increased. This indicates an increase in the sensitivity to constructive disharmonize.35 A correlation between the OFC and the ACC has too been mentioned. The causal interaction between the OFC and the ACC is positively related to the severity of depression.20 The ACC receives input from the PFC and outputs to other encephalon regions.96 A powerless DLPFC and OFC in MDD consequence in a failure to activate the ACC, ultimately leading to excursion impairment.

3.2. Prefrontal‐hippocampal circuit

In the early stage of MDD, a DTI study reported that the prefrontal‐hippocampal circuits,13 which originate from the fornix and output fibers to the hippocampus, projection to the mammillary bodies, the anterior nuclei of the thalamus, and finally dorsum to the prefrontal cortex. A lower FA value was observed in the fornix and the hippocampal cingulum17 of depressive patients. The fornix comprises the major fibers that track through the hippocampus, and it is related to the reduction in the hippocampal volume.97 Disruptions in the fornix would result in barriers to the transmission of information between the PFC and the hippocampus. Resting‐state functional research found decreased functional connectivity amongst the bilateral hippocampus, the DLPFC, and the ventral PFC17 in MDD patients, which might bespeak emotional and cerebral dysfunction in MDD. There was a significant correlation betwixt the white affair integrity of the fornix and the functional connectivity of the PFC‐hippocampal circuit in salubrious controls, but this was found to exist impaired in the MDD patients.17 In conclusion, prefrontal hippocampal structural damage can explain the deficits in attention, information processing, and autobiographical retention in depressive patients.17

iii.3. Frontothalamic circuit

To our knowledge, Professor Jia and his team are the get-go ones to find and put forrad the "suicide loop"six (Figure4). That particular DTI study institute that the FA value of the left internal capsule was lower in patients who attempted suicide.i Abnormalities in the cobweb connections passing through the left anterior limb of the internal capsule that projects to the left middle frontal cortex and the OFC and finally posteriorly to the left thalamus in MDD patients who committed suicide were establish to be more than severe than those who did non commit suicide and controls. The eye frontal cortex and the OFC are related to decision making and problem solving and can touch modulation,49, 98 and the thalamus is involved in the mood‐related neural network.49 These three regions are considered hub nodes of encephalon connections.21 Changes in the frontal and thalamic circulation may lead to cerebral and emotional changes, thereby increasing the vulnerability to suicidal behavior in patients with depression. The results demonstrating these white affair changes are consequent with those of other studies.99, 100 Abnormal gray matter in the temporal and parietal lobes was also institute in the patients who committed suicide. Decreased gray matter volume in the limbic cingulate gyrus and the right heart temporal gyrus and increased gray matter volume in the right parietal lobe101 were reported, and a negative correlation was observed between the limbic cingulate gyrus and dysfunctional attitude scores. The attitude score reflects the perception of oneself and the world,102 and cognitive distortions ofttimes pb to negative beliefs and behaviors, such as suicide. The reduction in the magnetization transfer ratio in the left inferior parietal lobule and the right superior parietal lobule in patients who attempted suicide was consistent with previous findings.103 Determination‐making barriers are associated with suicidal behavior.68 Thus, the alterations in the parietal lobule may pb to suicidal behaviors. In addition, the hippocampus and the angular gyrus are the biological markers for MDD, but lilliputian is known about the relationship between the book of these regions and suicide attempters. An interesting finding reported that suicide attempters have reduced gray matter volume in the hippocampus104 and in the left athwart gyrus,98 especially in cases of acute suicide. It was also constitute that the total volume of the hippocampal threshold of v cm3 had a negative predictive value of 98.2% for acute suicide attempts.104 The angular gyrus is known to be part of the default‐manner network, and impairments in this region in patients are associated with negative thoughts nearly the future or themselves.98 Disruptions in the angular gyrus may lead to suicidal behaviors or may increase the chance of suicide.

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Suicide excursion. MDD patients who committed suicide were found to have abnormal connections among the left anterior limb of the internal sheathing, the left heart frontal cortex, the orbital prefrontal cortex, and the left thalamus. IC, internal capsule; L, left; MDD, major depressive disorder; MFC, middle frontal cortex; OFC, orbitofrontal prefrontal cortex; THA, thalamus

iv. Determination AND FUTURE Management

In vivo MRI scans have made groovy achievements in the study of psychiatric disorders, which have resulted in the dawn of the agreement of the pathophysiology of psychosis, especially of MDD. Many brain region alterations have been reported, and some crucial circuits accept likewise been revealed via imaging studies. The discovery of brain network put forward new ideas in the understanding of the disease of depression, providing constructive stimulation sites and efficacy evaluations for the commonly used transcranial magnetic stimulation or deep brain stimulation techniques. In add-on, these findings also suggest that MDD is not only due to local lesions but is also a multiloop disorder. Yet, previous studies still had limitations, and more research is needed in the future. First, about of the studies mentioned small sample sizes, which could have increased the simulated‐positive and (or) false‐negative rates of the results. Therefore, multicenter cooperation not only would solve this problem of sample content but too could effect in more in‐depth research. Second, the identification of significant lesions relies on long‐term follow‐ups and the comparison of treated and nontreated patients. Time to come studies need to behave longitudinal studies with larger samples. Moreover, using animal experiments to verify the neuroimaging findings and applying the results to humans is very of import and volition be a big pace in the application of neuroimaging to the clinical field.

Disharmonize OF Involvement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


This study was supported by the National Natural Scientific discipline Foundation (Grant Nos. 81771812, 81621003, 81571637, and 81271532), and the Plan for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in Academy (PCSIRT, Grant No. IRT16R52) of Cathay. Q.Thou. received the back up of Changjiang Scholar Professorship Award (Award No. T2014190) of Cathay and the CMB Distinguished Professorship Award (Award No. F510000/G16916411) administered by the Institute of International Education, USA.


Zhang F‐F, Peng Westward, Sweeney JA, Jia Z‐Y, Gong Q‐Y. Brain structure alterations in depression: Psychoradiological show. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2018;24:994–1003. 10.1111/cns.12835 [PMC gratis commodity] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]

Correspondent Information

Zhi‐Yun Jia, moc.liamtoh@aijnuyihz.

Qi‐Yong Gong, nc.gro.crrmh@gnoggnoyiq.


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Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6489983/

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