Labor and delivery has its ups and downs. While moms can't wait for the moment where they will meet their petty one, they likewise are anxious for the pain and unpredictability of the entire childbirth process. Even women who take had children before never know what to expect during their delivery, every bit each i can go differently. And unfortunately, things could go badly.

Many women take questions almost what their body volition go through during those fateful hours of childbirth. They hear stories from their mothers and grandmothers, family unit and friends, but so much seems exaggerated that sometimes they don't know what to believe. Nosotros have answers to the questions that keep moms-to-be up at dark, and this time we are tackling a biggie: can the baby become stuck?

The short respond is yes. It happens every 24-hour interval and for a number of reasons. There are a number of factors that could crusade the complication and several possible actions that a mom or doc could take to go the baby unstuck and delivered. In that location are risks involved in all of them, then nosotros have information on all of the possibilities to help a momhoped-for prepare for every situation.

Here are 16 things that can happen if the baby gets stuck.

16 Pelvic Predicament

Every bit Shakira taught united states of america, the hips don't lie. Simply sometimes they tease us to remember that we are able to successfully give birth to a baby. While the size of women's hips has been growing these days, the truth is that the pelvis below them has been getting smaller. That is something that a scientific written report determined, and it could get worse due to development — and the power for women to give birth via C-section.

The incidence of babies getting stuck has been on the rise as the size of babies get bigger while pelvises get smaller. The phenomenon is called cephalopelvic disproportion. Even though the newborn'southward skull is fabricated to get smaller in club to get through the pelvis and out of the birth canal, there is only so small the head can get and so large that the pelvis tin stretch (pelvises don't exactly stretch, simply the ligaments loosen during pregnancy to allow for a bigger opening).

About 1 in 250 pregnancies end in cephalopelvic disproportion, and many women who become the diagnosis are all the same able to give birth vaginally. There are a lot of factors that determine exactly how stuck the baby gets, and the pelvis size is just one of them.

15 Hurting In The Rib

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There are times long before the babe is built-in when moms wonder if the infant is already stuck. It's when they have a terrible pain in the rib and they call up the baby volition never — and therefore, can't — move out of their rib cage. We couldn't find a case when a baby actually did get stuck in the mom's ribs, only nosotros totally sympathise the hurting, and we checked out how to get some relief.

According to Healthline, moms whose baby is then high that information technology feels similar it is stuck in her ribs should consider using an practise ball and exercise a few whorl-outs to try to get a shift. A visit to the chiropractor could cause the baby to drop lower and take some force per unit area off the ribs. If the pain is astringent, moms should talk to the doctor because information technology could be a symptom of something a lot worse than the baby getting stuck.

xiv Pelvic Menses

On the flip side, after the baby drops, some women feel similar the babe is stuck in the pelvis long earlier the contractions brainstorm. On the one paw, it's good that the babe engages merely on the other, information technology'due south painful to become around or even sit. The baby is stuck in that position until labor begins, so moms have to figure out how to make themselves comfy.

Some tips from Spinning Babies include wearing a pregnancy belt and sitting on an exercise ball. There are other exercises that can help to release the sacral basic, although they might be all-time to do under the care of a doctor or a concrete therapist. And chiropractors may be able to provide some relief too. The proficient news is that unremarkably the period of beingness stuck in the pelvic area is curt-lived. Within a few weeks, the pressure level on the pelvis volition assist labor to brainstorm, and the baby will exist born.

thirteen Fibroid Factor

Sometimes the infant is stuck because there is no way to become out of the uterus. That's because something is blocking the entrance. We'll talk about a few examples of that hither. Kickoff of all, in that location could be fibroids in the uterus that are growing right along with the baby, competing for space and oftentimes blocking the way out.

Fibroids aren't cancerous, merely they are growths that happen in the uterus, many times before the pregnancy even begins. The growths usually don't cause any issues during the pregnancy, although some women experience intestinal pain and the incidence of miscarriage and premature delivery are slightly increased compared to other pregnancies. The biggest issue is with the actually birth. That's when the fibroids can make it the style, especially if they are near the cervix. They may mean a C-section is the answer to how to get the baby out considering the fibroids mean he is stuck.

12 Placenta Previa

There is another thing that tin block the babe from getting out of the uterus. That is the placenta, the large disc-like organ that provides the baby with the blood and oxygen and nutrients that he needs to abound and thrive. The placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus and transfers the nutrients from the mom to the baby via the umbilical string. Only sometimes the identify that it attaches can cover the cervix, which is the only natural way for the bbaby to get out. So if it is covered, the infant is stuck.

Unremarkably, doctors discover placenta previa early on in a pregnancy, and they will keep an centre on the consequence throughout. For most moms with the status, the placenta corrects itself and moves into another position, but for some, information technology stays in the way. When contractions brainstorm, there is a possibility that the placenta could detach early, and that could mean that the baby doesn't become oxygen during the commitment. It'south much safer for many to have a C-section and for the babe to come up out through some other opening that is made by the physician, so that the baby isn't stuck anymore.

11 Crowning Glory

After a long labor and hours — or even days — of pain and contractions, all women tin can't wait for the moment that the infant crowns. That's what it is called when the top of the head is visible in the birth canal, and many expect that moment to be a sign that the baby is finally on the cusp of being born. They think that they volition encounter the baby in total in only moments, but that is non e'er the case. In fact, that is when some women worry that the baby has gotten stuck.

Just because the baby's head is visible doesn't mean that he has fully crowned. Very oft the mom reaches 10 centimeters and begins to push only to discover that in one case the baby has crowned, the head will skid back into nascency culvert when the contraction ebbs and the mother lets up on her push. It tin can take hours of pushing before the baby really stays in the crowned position. The baby not be actually stuck, merely it could exist a sign that labor isn't progressing well and the doctor may accept to rethink what to do to get him out.

10 Breech Infant

While a baby tin can become stuck no thing what the position is for the birth, one of the most dangerous ways to give birth is if the baby is breech. That'due south when the pes or the bottom is going to come out first instead of the head. Getting the baby's hips out first is much harder than the head — which is made of separate bones during the newborn phase to permit them to modify shape.

And if the female parent does successfully evangelize the baby's bottom stop, she's still got to worry about getting the head out. Unfortunately, information technology can go stuck, especially if the chin is pointing in the wrong direction. It's much easier to direct the head when it comes out get-go than if information technology is following the body, and there tin be times when the baby could get stuck with the body already delivered. In that case, there could exist some astringent impairment to the vagina in trying to go the baby unstuck. Information technology's possible that the baby could endure too. That'due south why many doctors encourage mothers whose babies are breech to take a C-section. It'south safer than risking that the infant get stuck.

9 Flipping Out

To avert having a breech baby, the all-time thing that a mom tin can do is plan alee. Usually, a md or midwife volition monitor the babe to see if she has turned to the head downwardly position. That normally happens between the 30 week and 34 calendar week mark — earlier than that and the baby could flip dorsum, while after that at that place is footling room for the baby to maneuver and get in the right position.

About 25 pct of babies haven't turned by this time, only that doesn't hateful that they are headed toward breech deliveries or C-sections. There are some practices that women effort to get the infant to flip. Those include pelvic tilts, visiting a chiropractor, walking and even trying music or candles to get the baby to movement his caput downward below.

Sometimes in that location is little a mom can do to terminate the babe from being breech. In that location may not exist enough amniotic fluid or the baby could be large or a fibroid is in the manner. The baby could be stuck that manner, and the only thing to do is to get the baby out, either through a difficult vaginal birth or a C-section.

8 Cord Complexity

At that place'southward another reason that the babe tin can get stuck either in the breech position or in the birth canal, and that is because of the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is an astonishing organ that connects the infant to the mother to pass along oxygen, blood and other nutrients. Just the thing can be as much every bit 2 feet long.

On ultrasounds, doctors have observed babies in the womb playing with their umbilical cords. And at the beginning, the babe has a lot of room to move around. That means that many babies get tangled up in those big long cords. Sometimes that tin restrict movement, and sometimes that means that the baby gets stuck. If the string is wrapped around the babe'southward cervix, so the dr. may intentionally stop the birth long plenty to unwrap it. It's a big, scary complexity that could endanger the life of the baby.

7 Shoulder Situation

Getting the head out isn't the merely hurdle that a mom has to go through in the pushing stage of childbirth. Very oft, the head tin can exit, but the shoulders are even wider and harder to handle. During that portion of the delivery, the baby should rotate from facing the opposite way equally his mom to twisting and then that the shoulders line upwards sideways and so they have more than room to brand it through.

The bigger the baby, though, the harder that it is to go the shoulders out, and sometimes the babe will get stuck. It's a situation called shoulder dystocia, and sometimes it requires the doctors to really pull to help the baby brand his way completely through. At that place is a big danger that the shoulder will get tugged and fretfulness could be pinched. With shoulder dystocia, the infant could get stuck to the point where the shoulder is damaged. The baby could actually finish up losing the use of the limb.

vi Backwards Baby

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Nosotros've already talked about how the baby can be upside downward, but many moms don't know that the baby could likewise exist backwards. And that is also a risk for the babe to become stuck. Typically, if the mom is lying on her back, the baby should exist facing the ground — or if the mom is facing the ground, the baby should be looking at the sky. That's the easiest way for the baby's head to come out.

Merely sometimes the baby is in a position chosen occiput posterior, where he is facing the aforementioned way as the mom. That is the position that causes back labor, and it can cause the infant to get stuck as well. That's because it'southward harder for the caput to fit through the pelvis that way. The practiced news is that but considering you have back labor doesn't mean that you volition have an occiput posterior nascence. Sometimes the infant can spin into the preferred position during labor, specially if the mom chooses to let gravity help during the labor.

5 Facial Presentation

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There's one more possibility for weird positions that could result in issues for the baby getting stuck, and that is called a facial presentation. That's when the baby is caput down, but instead of the pilus being the beginning thing that anyone sees when the baby crowns, the face will actually exist the first part that comes out. That means that the part of the caput that is most suited for nascency is not aimed in the right direction, and the infant tin can get stuck in the pelvis. It's hard to deliver the baby through the nativity canal that way, and it's very dangerous to employ vacuum extraction or forceps in a facial presentation.

In that location are some women who accept safe deliveries of facial presentations, but it can mean a longer and harder pushing stage. If the baby starts to get into distress, it may be necessary to become him out apace, and that may mean that a C-department is the faster, safer pick.

4 Labor Positions

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We've talked a lot almost different means that the baby can get stuck, just — thank goodness — there are some ways that the babe tin can go unstuck. Many are determined by the dr., but there is one thing that women can do that could assistance them get the infant in the correct position to get out. Epidurals can tedious labor downward, and then can lying on your back. It tin mean that the baby doesn't have gravity working to go babe out, and that may exacerbate the possibility of being stuck.

Moving into a different position can make a big difference. Sometimes, it can help a breech baby flip. Information technology tin also open up upward the pelvis, which tin be especially important if the infant is big. The best movements for that are walking, swaying or getting on easily and knees. Switching position may exist enough to get the infant to move simply enough to get him unstuck and toward the path for a safe delivery.

As we've mentioned, there could exist some means that the doctor could help when the baby gets stuck. While doctors and midwives often let moms endeavor to continue to push for a while, if they know the baby is stuck, it could be pointless to keep pushing. It'll only zap the mother's free energy and information technology could cause more than trauma to the mom and babe than is necessary. To become the baby out, it might be necessary to use some tools. At that place are two of those that we would like to mention.

The beginning is called a vacuum extraction. With that, the doctor puts a suction cup in the birth canal and attaches information technology to the top of the baby's head. With the next contraction, while the mom is pushing, the doctor can pull, and that tin help get the infant through. It tin also be used during a breech delivery. There are risks that the baby could get scraped and bruised, but if it works, the baby can get dislodged and delivered before something worse happens.

ii Forceps Delivery

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The second tool that can be used for delivery is more well-known, although the do is becoming less common. The medico uses a medical device known as forceps, which look like to salad tongs but with long blades on the end. Those blades are put on each side of the baby's head, and just like a vacuum extraction, the doctor will use them to pull the baby out while the mom is pushing.

There are similar risks involved in a forceps delivery equally with a vacuum extraction. The mother could go through some trauma to her vagina, and an episiotomy may happen to make more than room. It'southward as well possible that the urethra or bladder could exist damaged, making the mom endure from even worse incontinence bug. Unfortunately, at that place is a gamble that the baby could be injured. Many babies finish up with a "forceps marker," which is just a slight indention that matches the tongs or blades on the babe's face up. But sometimes the forceps tin can hurt a vital organ, such as the eye. It's a big risk in an already dangerous situation, but it tin piece of work to become the baby out afterwards he gets stuck.

1 Stuck In A C-section

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For many of these scenarios, women will worry that they will end up in a C-department. Merely the truth is that is not the worst case scenario. As we've mentioned before, in that location are a lot of dangerous complications that can come up when the baby gets stuck, including injuries to the female parent and the babe or even encephalon damage or expiry. That's why many women end upwards in emergency C-sections. Unfortunately, it's possible that the baby can become stuck even in the operating room.

That's particularly truthful of the baby has already fabricated the descent into the pelvis. The dr. may take to manually button the baby out, and that can accept fourth dimension and stress everyone. The scenarios tin be just every bit tragic. Fortunately, that is rarely the case. Nearly of the fourth dimension, doctors and nurses can help save babies that are stuck in fourth dimension for a safe and healthy delivery.

Sources: Healthline, Spinning Babies, Parents, FitPregnancy

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